Larret Army: Rising Souls

Larret Army: Rising Souls

$17.95eBook: $2.99
Series: Lost Souls, Book 1
Genre: Medieval Fantasy
Tag: Recommended Books

Follow several harrowing events, resulting in the Black Swans who form a cohort to deal with various local threats. Thus, begins the investigations into Tearmain.

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Laret, Darkness of Souls.

Laret, Darkness of Souls.


After the death of Larret Hamlet’s Reeve, the mage Tripper turns in the report bonds for Laret fief to Lord Ramson. Then following several harrowing events, the Black Swans form a cohort to deal with local threats, this begins the investigations into Tearmain. With no stone unturned, G, Tripper, Winey, Mi, Jess and Eren turn to seek out Lord Ramson to report on some grizzly incidents discovered around Larret Hamlet. They receive his suggestion to travel west overland to the river, to reach the royal city of Mount Oryn. On their journey, the Black Swans discover an enemy Tearmain army. As they receive redemption for G, this leads to her becoming known and praised for her ability and efforts as a strong leader and reliable person, yet she finds discomfort. In a desperate protracted confrontation with an army, a Black Swan is captured and is sacrificed. Later in dealing with General Isela, a leader of one of two more enemy armies, events lead to a darker being. This leads to the Black Swans having to make choices: remain loyal to the Dominnion of Kannoral, convert to this upstart new god, Tearmain, or switch loyalty to General Selanad – or worse. A conclusion of the one adventure may lead to the next adventure, but they need to survive this one.

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