InUPress Notes

Written by Kenneth Shumaker

for InUPress

on September 23, 2018


You know, I’ve been here barely stalking the internet as I haven’t been feeling well while working with clients on their projects. Because of over working with clients and poor health I haven’t followed up with other people in contact or groups in reviews or contact. I also haven’t been writing properly. Today for the first time in four weeks the severe migraine has lifted, the bronchitis has faded along with the infections, my vision is clearing.

So today I ran a Zoom recorded session for two hours with a client and actually want to write and attend our various groups for the first time in over five weeks, So hello my friend, my last effort in writing was a partial episode’s first draft of 2,100 words four days ago and a full four-thousand word episode’s first draft a week before that. Which is sad as I was writing over two thousand words a morning up until five weeks ago.

Our video sessions with Del Rey will be shared with the public, soon as, DelRey & InUPress’ Writer’s Education, on Patreon, and InUPress Ltd at as a series of fifteen-minute videos addressing writing and publishing. I am also building my personal author and business brands and platforms again with online and local promotions and advertising.

Any feedback or suggestions from you for any of this are most welcome by me.

Thank you for reading, yours, Kenneth Shumaker.

May the words stay with you!


Motivating for productivity!











The novel, ‘Larret Army,’ is the first of three tales in the ‘Lost Souls‘ series of medieval fantasy. The ragtag group, Black Swan’s, challenge the terrorizing armies of the horrid new god, Tearmain, with the loss of many lives to both sides. Few escape the ravages of this war.

The novel can be bought on Amazon, Kobo, Apple and InUPress as well as stores and elsewhere online in book or ebook format. With enough formal requests, we will also create audio or hardcover editions.

All your comments are welcome and are read.